Recruiting relatives01 (第1/5页)
Recruiting retives01
On the starry sky at a distance of 380,000 kilometers from the earth,
The moon rolled slowly for 4.5 billion years,
Lunar Tribe dar 12358,
Lives in a Doujiang house,
Dou Jiang's daughter Dou Hua has had a dream since she was a child,
It's just that he marry a lot of local tyrants who have endless money.
Therefore, the extracurricur readings at home are all resourceful stories about how to increase IQ.
Dou Hua occasionally listened to Ping Yi's live broadcast of the storytelling of the universe, time, space and gaxy,
I was deeply attracted by the welfare product library in the live broadcast,
But the distance of 380,000 kilometers,
No matter how you rob, you 't rob the earthlings,
So Dou Hua put forward ten small teological ideas on the guest message board,
In this way, you get the welfare items from the welfare item library.
Dou Hua's first welfare product is "Intelligent Deaking Instrument",
intelligent decision maker,
Circur diameter 10 cm,
The product material is transparent super wood,
The base is 5 cm high, 12 cm long and 12 cm wide.
The power source is intelligent triboelectrianogeor, graphene sor energy.