分卷阅读53 (第2/2页)
I was hauling those souvenirs of misery 所有痛苦不幸的回忆让我步履蹒跚 And with each step taken my back was breaking 每一步都仿似将要压弯我的脊梁 Til I found the One who took it all from me 直到遇到他,我如释重负 Down by the riverside 漫步河畔 I id my burdens down 我卸下满身重负 Now I'm traveling light 如今我将轻装前行 My spirit lifted high 满心舒畅一身轻盈 I found my freedom now 如今的我终于自由 And I'm traveling light 我将轻装前行 Through the darkest alleys and lo valleys 走过晦暗无光的衢巷,穿越幽暗深邃的幽谷 I was dragging those heavy s of doubt and fear 所有不安和恐惧化作枷锁让我踉跄难行 Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken 你一句简单的言语便破除了我全部枷锁 Now He's leadio pces 如今他正引领着我前往 Where there are no tears 那永不伤心落泪的天堂 Down by the riverside 漫步河畔 I id my burdens down 我卸下满身重负 Now I'm traveling light 如今我将轻装前行 My spirit lifted high 满心舒畅一身轻盈 I found my freedom now 如今的我终于自由 And I'm traveling light 我将轻装前行……” 夜里光线不太好,李飒看着陆珵低头唱歌总觉得不太真切,却见他突然侧过头看着自己,一双眸子里满是她不了解的情绪。 好像,觉得很开心。 李飒只听清楚了几句歌词。 “ I was hauling those souvenirs of misery 所有痛苦不幸的回忆让我步履蹒跚 And with each step taken my back was breaking 每一步都仿似将要压弯我的脊梁 Til I found the One who took it all from me 直到遇到他,我如释重负” ☆、第 37