分卷阅读22 (第1/2页)
o I know you?”这个白毛小动物头也不抬嗡声嗡气地说。
“Stanley, What makes you think I’m in a good mood?”
“I’m not Stanley. You must take me for someone else 。If you don’t mind , I am trying to sleep for a little while.”毛球动了一下,挤出一只尖尖的耳朵,它好像是把头扭过去了。
“ime you show your respect for the superior animalia,a divine dragon per se, at least shut down your stupid iphone!”
白毛狐狸不耐烦地站了起来,轻慢地扬扬脖子抖抖毛,棉团一样的小爪子按在那个裹脚老太的鞋垫子般黑漆漆的手机上,挺着鼻子说:“Shit! Why are you here anyway? Are you supposed to wash your ass now? You know, in case your master want a quick shag before breakfast.”
“Whatever, at least I will never get married to a product of Apple Inc at 4 o‘clo the m . And I have to tell you that I don’t think your new bride is female,because every eay GAY friend like to hold it in the right hand when they are too occupied to masturbate! ”
“I don’t want talk to you any more. This is my first marriage……in 21th tury. Would you please leave me aloo ruin the rest part of this world? My wife is ing back from the dy’s room and she doesn’t like you.”
张仲文轻蔑地甩了一下头发,对着那可怜巴巴的白色小狐狸叹了口气,转身走了,五步之后突然回头惊恐认真地问:“Please tell me you are not marrying your I-